我需要翻译以下文字:\n宣传视频的目的就是让人了解企业的产品或服务。一个优秀的宣传视频制作不仅需要好的创意和设计,也需要有针对性的宣传策略。\nThe purpose of promotional videos is to help people understand the products or services of a company. The production of an excellent promotional video requires not only good creativity and design, but also targeted promotional strategies.\n译文大致准确,但有一些细节可以优化:
建议将“了解”翻译为“get to know”,相较于“understand”更为地道地表达“了解”的深意,即不仅知道企业的产品或服务,还要对其有深入的认识。
The purpose of promotional videos is to help people get to know the products or services of a company. The production of an outstanding promotional video requires not only creative ideas and good design, but also a targeted promotional strategy. Besides these, well-directed marketing strategies are also needed to make sure the video reaches the intended audience effectively.以上价格仅供参考,实际价格请到医院面诊获取!